Sunday, February 12, 2012

Potty Time!

So Brent and I decided to try the three day potty training idea since nothing else was working for us to get our daughter Aubree potty trained! Yesterday was day 1 and well she had quite a few accidents but every time she had one we had her sit on the potty so she would get use to the idea that this is where she needs to go potty we also asked every 10 mins or so if she needed to go potty! Today is day 2 of the three day potty training idea and she has no accidents and every time she needs to go potty she runs to her potty and goes! She comes and tell daddy and I and we all do the "I went in potty" dance, Put a sticker on her potty chart, we give her a high-five and she get a piece of candy! She is becoming a little lady and I am so proud of her!

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